Project settings

Project settings are stored in the project file or in a project template.
To adjust application specific settings, see Options.

Open the Project settings dialog with Project->Project settings… if a project is active. Alternatively the settings can be changed when creating a new project in the “New project” wizard.


Instant species

A collection of “instant species” buttons can be configured. Click Edit to open the collection editor.


Select an Instant species from the list and enter a species text and a button caption. If you want to go to the next recording after using the Instant Species button, check the box go to next recording. Click Add to add an additional button or X to remove. Use the arrows to order.

Multi-channel recordings
Override channel

Enable to use a specific channel for analysis, instead of the channel that triggered the recording. Enter the channel number to use: 1 for left, 2 for right on stereo recordings or any number on recordings with more channels (up to 8)



Setup CSV export (comma separated values, Excel) of the recordings or calls lists according to user requirements. On the left is the list of all available fields, on the right the list of fields which are exported. To export an additional field, select it in the left list and press ‘->’. To adjust the order, select the field in the right list and press ‘up’ or ‘down’. To exclude a field from the export, select the field in the right list and press ‘<-‘.

If needed, a custom separator character can be chosen or entered.

Enable Use CSV format for copy&paste to use the configured specific format when transferring data via copy&paste. If disabled, the data is formatted according to the order and sorting of the columns as currently displayed.


The field recording “Peak Frequency [kHz]” is considered obsolete. It was used in earlier software versions. Please use the field “Mean Peak Frequency [kHz]” instead.



If enabled, recordings will be analysed automatically after import (if needed).

Call detection:

Setup spectrogram parameters used during analysis for call detection and species suggestions. The visual appearance of the detailed recording spectrogram for manual analysis can be setup separately if needed, see dynamic overlap option.

FFT size

Number of samples used per Fast Fourier transformation (FFT) to produce the spectrogram.


FFT overlap for the creation of the spectrogram used for analysis. High overlap => Finer temporal resolution, but higher computational complexity. The overlap may also affect the automatic call identification. The overlap used for the spectrogram display by default depends on the zoom factor and is dynamic. If a fixed overlap shall be used, set up dynamic overlap option accordingly.

Windowing function

Window function used to create the spectrogram.

More details...



\(w(n) = 1\)


\(w(n) = 0.5 - 0.5 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}}\)


\(w(n) = 0.54 - 0.46 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}}\)


\(w(n) = 0.42 - 0.5 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.08 * \cos{4¶n \over{N}}\)

Blackman Harris:

\(w(n) = 0.42323 - 0.49755 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.07922 * \cos{4¶n \over{N}}\)

Blackman Harris 4-Term:

\(w(n) = 0.35875 - 0.48829 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.14128 * \cos{4¶n \over{N}}) - 0.01168 * \cos{6¶n \over{N}}\)

Blackman Harris 7-Term:

\(w(n) = 0.27105140069342 - 0.43329793923448 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.21812299954311 * \cos{4¶n \over{N}} - 0.06592544638803 * \cos{6¶n \over{N}} + 0.01081174209837 * \cos{8¶n \over{N}} - 0.00077658482522f * \cos{10¶n \over{N}} + 0.00001388721735f * \cos{12¶n \over{N}}\)

Blackman Nuttall:

\(w(n) = 0.3635819 - 0.4891775 * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.1365995 * \cos{4¶n \over{N}} - 0.0106411 * \cos{6¶n \over{N}}\)


\(w(n) = 0.21557895f - 0.416631580f * \cos{2¶n \over{N}} + 0.277263158f * \cos{4¶n \over{N}} - 0.083578947f * \cos{6¶n \over{N}} + 0.006947368f * \cos{8¶n \over{N}}\)


\(w(n) = e^{(-2 * 2.5 * 2.5 * (0.25 + ({n \over{N}})^2 - {n \over{N}}))}\)


\(w(n) = e^{(-2 * 3.5 * 3.5 * (0.25 + ({n \over{N}})^2 - {n \over{N}}))}\)


\(w(n) = e^{(-2 * 4.5 * 4.5 * (0.25 + ({n \over{N}})^2 - {n \over{N}}))}\)


\(w(n) = \begin{cases} \begin{gathered} {2n \over N-1} &,0 \le n \le {N \over 2} \\ 2-{2n \over N-1} &,{N \over 2} \le n \le N \\ \end{gathered} \end{cases}\)







Peak frequency low

Ignore calls with lower peak frequency in Hz.

Peak frequency high

Ignore calls with higher peak frequency in Hz.

Overview spectrogram

Setup overview spectrogram image displayed in the recordings list in the project tab.

Compact overview

Shows only the calls or the first 2s of the recording (see Project Tab).

Max # of calls

Determines the maximum number of calls in the compact overview.

Compress image

Enables compression of the image file to save disk space.

Frequency guides in overview

Determines whether the lines are also shown in the spectrograms in the project tab.


Call detection parameters:
Crest Factor

Affects the call detection. The higher the value, the louder a call must be to still get recognised. See also BATLOGGER Manual.

Min. Call length

Minimum length of a call to be detected in ms.

Max. Call length

Maximum length of a call to be detected in ms.

Lower Freq. limit

Lower frequency limit for call detection in Hz. Frequencies below will be ignored and call shapes may be truncated if going below.

Upper Freq. limit

Upper frequency limit for call detection in Hz. Frequencies above will be ignored and call shapes may be truncated if going above.


A factor to prevent false detection of (echo) calls. The higher the factor the less echoes should be recognized.

Min Call intensity

Very silent calls or other noise will not be recognized as a call when their maximum intensity is below the selected percent value of the loudest call in the recording.

Intens. Tolerance

Tolerance of the intensity deviation for call detection.

Species separation

Frequency offset at which a call is considered to be a different species.

Bat call filter

If this option is enabled, calls are ignored if they are unlikely to originate from a bat.

Additional project settings

In addition to the parameters available in the project settings dialog, also Tasks, Custom species and Species libraries settings are also considered as “project settings”. To change these, use the respective tools and dialogs.

Set to defaults

Click Defaults… to reset project settings to factory defaults.

Import settings

Click Import… to import setting form a file.

From other project files or project templates 1

Import settings from an other project or project template.

  1. Choose a source project or project template file.

  2. Select the settings groups you want to import. E.g. uncheck all but Tasks to import the tasks list only.

  3. Click OK to import.


The selected project settings will be imported and the corresponding settings of the current project will be overwritten.

From BatExplorer v1

Import settings from previous BatExplorer 1.x versions (Instant species, export fields, call detection parameters).
Select a .bes file to merge with the project settings. If BatExplorer v1 was installed previously, the settings file is automatically backuped if available (…\Documents\BatExplorer\Backup\OldV1SettingsBackup.bes).

Not available in certain editions