
Mouse actions

Recording tab: Spectrogram area



Mouse wheel

Zoom spectrogram in/out

Left button down and move

Pan spectrogram

Left button double-click

Zoom to whole spectrogram

Left button click on call

Select call and zoom to it

Shift + Left button click on call

Select next call and zoom to it

Ctrl + Left button click on call

Select previous call and zoom to it

Ctrl + draw a box with left button down

Zoom spectrogram to box proportionally

Shift + draw a line with left button down

Measure between two points (Time, Frequency, )

Alt + draw a box with left button down

Add a new call, the frequency peaks inside the box will be added as new call

Recording tab: Spectrogram axis



Mouse wheel

Zoom corresponding axis

Right button down and move

Zoom corresponding axis

Left button down and move

Pan corresponding axis