Getting Started

Buy a faster computer ;-) No really, processing ultrasonic audio data needs a lot of computing power and it is way more fun to do that on a modern multi-core computer with lots of RAM and a fast SSD.

  1. Download
    Visit the official download page and grab the latest and greatest version:
  2. Install

    Execute the downloaded Windows installer “BatExplorer_vX.Y.Z.exe” by double clicking it and follow the directions on screen.

    Advanced installation instructions...

    It is possible to automate and/or customize the installation procedure e.g. for automatic deployment in large organizations or to install a different version side by side. This can be achieved using Setup Command Line Parameters.

  3. Go
    Once completed, BatExplorer will be installed and available in your Start menu or as Desktop icon.
    Start with the Quick Tutorial or get an overview of the application first.